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Meet the team!



Event Organiser​


Favourite Puppet: Bean Bunny & Fizzgig​

Zay is passionate about puppetry and practical effects. Her favourite movie and book genre is fantasy. She first saw Dark Crystal at the age of 4, introduced to it by her fantasy film loving father. From that moment on, she was a fan! Zay has  worked in senior leadership  and event management for 10 years, and founded Thames Con events in 2017. She's strives to deliver quality, fan focused events. This is her third Great Con-Junction.

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Videographer/Content Curator​​


Favourite Puppet: Falkor

Ben specialises in creative content from design, graphics, production and visual effects through Bad Mosquito Films. Ben has worked with Thames Con on numerous projects doing everything from designing licenced merchandise to creating stunning event Trailers. But the main reason Zay keeps Ben around is so she has another super geek to debate movie and TV shows with. 



Event Administrator 


Favourite Puppet: Joey from War Horse

Naomi has a creative and theatrical background graduating from East 15 Acting School with a BA in World Performance where she learned to build puppets and masks from cultures around the world.  She first watched The Dark Crystal at a sleepover when she was 8 and has been traumatised ever since. Naomi is our self described "office monkey", using her exceptional organisation skills to help deliver fun fan events. 

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Host and Compere ​


Favourite Puppet: Rexy the Dinosaur

Kieran is a freelance Actor, Moderator and Tutor. He has been working with Thames Con since the beginning and proved his worth by bringing Zay cups of tea at the inaugural Thames Con. Luckily Kieran also has a great talent for audience engagement, hosting our Cosplay Competitions, and moderating Panels.  He can also very eloquently  quote any of Shakespeare's work verbatim. 

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