special guests
Guest of Honour
We're thrilled to announce that puppetry legend Dave Goelz will be joining us for our last Great Con-Junction this February! This will be Dave's first proper convention appearance where he will be signing autographs & doing photo ops!
Dave is best known for performing Gonzo The Great as part of the Muppets, a character he created and has been performing for over 50 years! For The Dark Crystal Dave performed the Garthim Master Skeksis (The General) and our favourite Fizzgig! For Jim Henson's Labyrinth (1986) Goelz performed Sir Didymus, The Hat, Left Door Knocker, Fiery #3 and the Guard. Dave is also well known for performing Boober Fraggle & Uncle Traveling Matt in Fraggle Rock and Fraggle Rock: Back to The Rock!
Dave Goelz will be appearing both days and available to sign autographs and take photos. Dave will also be participating in a Panel Talk on Saturday and Sunday.
special guests from the dark crystal (1982)

Wendy was the creature design and fabrication supervisor for the Gelfling Jen & Kira on The Dark Crystal (1982). Wendy also created creatures for The Dark Crystal: AOR.

Kiran Shah MBE was the body double for Jen, Kira, Aughra and the Chamberlain Skeksis. And performed the baby Landstrider.

Sherry served as the creative supervisor and fabrication supervisor of creature development. She has contributed to such Henson projects as Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas, Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth.

Brian was the conceptual artist on The Dark Crystal (1982) and The Dark Crystal: AOR (2019).

Simon performed UrSol the Chanter Mystic in the Dark Crystal (1982), a Garthim & Thra dwelling creatures.

Steve voiced Gelfling Jen in The Dark Crystal (1982).

Rollie was the builder of Fizzgig in Dark Crystal, Dave Goelz main helper on the Garthim Master as well as aiding Kathy Mullen on Kira.

Mike was the full body performer of Aughra is The Dark Crystal (1982).
Appearing Saturday Only.

Hugh performed one of the Landstriders and the Cook Mystic in The Dark Crystal.

Valerie Charlton sculpted and fabricated The Landstriders.

Robbie Barnett performed one of the Landstriders and the Numerologist Mystic. He also played a 'Wheeler' in Return to Oz.
Appearing Sunday only.
Sadly Michael McCormick has had to cancel his appearance at the event. He has kindly provided some signed Dark Crystal and Labyrinth prints for us to sell. You will find these on the Thames Con merch stand.
special guests from the dark crystal: Age of Resistance

Dark Crystal fans will know Warrick as the puppeteer for The Chamberlain Skeksis and the Red Haired Paladin (aka Freckles) in Netflix The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance.

Beccy has worked on many film and TV productions most recently Netflix 'Eric' For The Dark Crystal: AOR Beccy performed Gelfing Deet and Naia and Maudra Ethri.
Appearing Saturday only.

Cecily Fay
Body Double for Aughra.
Appearing Both Days

Sheila Clark
Additional Puppeteer
Appearing Saturday Only

Dan Dewhirst
Full body Garthim Performer
Appearing both days

Donna provided the voice of Aughra in The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. Henson fans may also know Donna as the voice and puppeteer of Mokey Fraggle in Fraggle Rock:Back to the Rock!

Chris Kendall
Additional Puppeteer.
Appearing Both Days

Mikey Brett
Additional Puppeteer
Appearing Saturday Only

Victor performed and voiced Podling Hup in Dark Crystal: AOR (2019). He was also the puppeteer for Gelfing Kylan, Mitjan and Skeksis SkekZok the Ritual Master.

Claire Roi Harvey
Additional Puppeteer.
Appearing Saturday Only

Andy Robb
Additional Puppeteer
Appearing Saturday Only
Other Guests from the world of Jim Henson

Andrea Wright PHD is the author of upcoming book 'The Fairy Tales of Jim Henson: Keeping the Best Place by the Fire'

Jocelyn Stevenson has worked in children’s media for over 40 years as a writer, creator, show-runner, producer and executive producer. She is best known for her work on Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, Jim Henson’s Tale of the Bunny Picnic, Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock and her current project, The Waterubas.

Karen Falk is the Director of Archives for The Jim Henson Company and author of 'Jim Henon's Imagination Illustrated'.

Did you know Debra performed a chicken in Muppet Treasure Island? Debra Goelz is in fact an award winning Author. Her first novel on Wattpad, MERMAIDS AND THE VAMPIRES WHO LOVE THEM, has been read over 13 millions times!!

Dave Goelz autograph can be pre-purchased on our ticket page. If you would like to 'top up' to a combo on the day you can pay for this at the event. Autographs can also be purchased at the event but may be cash only.
Professional photoshoots can be found here.
Jocelyn Stevenson will sign any items (Fraggle Rock etc) for free with a purchase of her new book for £10.21.
8 x 10 prints come free with the purchase of an autograph. You can choose what to get signed from a selection of prints or bring your own items to be signed.
For send ins/consignment please visit SWAU.com.